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New Ideas for march

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New Ideas for march Empty New Ideas for march

Post  Neobe Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:37 pm

Hello Council

Since i can´t play DDO because of my Computer i have enough Time for guild enhancements.

i would like to creat 2 or 3 days a week where our guild have i play direktion.
For Example
Raid Thursday or the Low level Tuesday
Its not the guild must go on raids, its more the guild can go on raids and i think this will make the work easyer for Abyssya.
So please dear Council members give up your Vote

I have noticed and i am speaking in the favor of our European Members, that we don´t have alot Players during the European daytime.
So please hold up our Officers to invite more People to our Guild.
I think this is one of our major issues that we should solve in March.

This is something that Abyssya will enjoy Smile
I think we are ready for our own Guild Raid Team, we need10 or more Characters between lvl 18 to 20
that like to run raids on a regular base.
The only Problem that we are facing is the Timezone, so it would be nice too coordinate this whit Isyth.

ok i guess this is it from my side
If you have any ideas you wanna add feel free to do so


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New Ideas for march Empty Re: New Ideas for march

Post  abyssya Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:35 pm

I like the idea of having specific days set for raid stuff. However i'm not sure if we have enough high level players to make a guild raid group. This could be solved in one of two ways.

1. Recruit more high level players
2. XP grind sessions

1 could be hard in that most higher level players either are in a guild or by this stage have no intention at all in joining one.

I do think it would be a good idea though to try and nab us some more European members though. Infact new active members from anywhere would be cool. Perhaps post an ad in the LFM saying that we are looking for more members. I have thought of doing this in the past, but have thought against not knowing if the rest of the council would approve. So if you don't mind, I am willing to do this.

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New Ideas for march Empty Re: New Ideas for march

Post  Shmittick Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:05 pm

I like the idea of setting specific days for stuff like a certain raid day or everyone run on their low levels on a certain day...
Also, one thing we could look at to help with raid times, although we may not be able to do it right now since we do not have enough higher levels, is to have a European timezone raid group and a US time zone raid group. Of course guild members can choose which time will fit best but it may make it easier than finding one time to fit all. We may have to grow a little more for that and when we do we may need to take a little work off poor Abyssya and have two raid leaders, one to coordinate raids for each of the timezones.

Just a thought.


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New Ideas for march Empty Re: New Ideas for march

Post  Neobe Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:20 pm


your absolutly right thats why we hope to get Isyth in the council for the job as support Officer.
And i am helping too, i will buy me a new PC today^^

This won´t be easy but i think we have more then enough potantial to get the job done.


Neobe alien

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New Ideas for march Empty nice ideas

Post  Chatuyscha Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:43 pm

Like your ideas. if i may add, theres something i thought on too.

The timezoneissue. Like tonight where Isyth runs the shroudflagging, its 02.00 am., my central european time. idea is to make a kind of repeated session, where the first starts around 8 or 9 pm. Eurotime. For those who want to repeat or continue, next round starts at 2 am. euro time. personally was getting some problems with turning night to day and too little sleep ;O)

another issue i need some feedback on is how guild is working in north america. is there too few players there too or is the number acceptable. An estimate from me is that we have to have around 30-40 active players on each side of atlantic to really make it rock, taking in to account, timezones, daytimeplayers etc.

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New Ideas for march Empty Re: New Ideas for march

Post  Shmittick Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:46 pm

We definitely need more in both timezones, but right now we have a decent number of people in the US timezone but the levels are so spread out it is not useful yet. Eventually this will be better as everyone levels. We should start setting up XP grinding runs for those interested. For example I have ran my bard/fighter/rogue with wulfggar (who knows how to grind xp very well) several times and he has managed to help me level the bard from 4 - 11 very quickly and I still cant keep up with him. Maybe the event coordinator can setup times with wulfggar to get a group together and grind xp to help with leveling people. He is online at good times for both timezones most of the time.


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New Ideas for march Empty Recruiting methods

Post  Chatuyscha Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:35 am

Little update. I tried out the guild looks for members LFM yesterday. Got 3 hits.
1. Kept silent, no replies on my questions, until i got a response "death" and he jumped himself.
2. Was able to communicate and i let him in guild. Names trebblemaker, i guess hes around 41, but never been in guild before. lets c how it works out.
3. Was only able to say "follow me" after running something with him and Isy in market, i pressed on the issue of location and age. after starting a countdown due to the silence i got a nice "f.u.c.k.", so he got kicked twice, from group and guild.

This leads to a conclusion. Guess the good old "make a run and check for guildmaterial", i still the right way to do it.

Thats what i do from here, you are welcme to try out the LFM way,but be prepared for some obscure situations.

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New Ideas for march Empty Re: New Ideas for march

Post  TehRocker Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:20 am

I had the same thing, I do recruited the guy named Supernovae, but I partied with him earlier, and he's a friendly guy Smile.

But I do got this immature lvl 20 annoying the hell out of me. So yes, LFM is a really bad idea.

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New Ideas for march Empty Re: New Ideas for march

Post  Neobe Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:50 am

Sounds like fun i will try it Twisted Evil

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New Ideas for march Empty Re: New Ideas for march

Post  Shmittick Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:46 pm

Well I know what to try when I get bored!!! hahahaha


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New Ideas for march Empty Re: New Ideas for march

Post  Isyth Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:05 pm

Why don't we do "Flagging Saturdays" until we have enough high level people to start up raids? I'll run the 8pm EST runs and someone else can do the same runs at a Euro friendly time same day? Cat and I were talking and that seemed like a good idea to me.

Also, do we want to develop some way to track who is flagged for what so the raid leader knows when its a good time to start booking for raids?


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New Ideas for march Empty Re: New Ideas for march

Post  Shmittick Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:47 pm

Actually that is not a bad idea on the flagging list. We can add a flagged section under the raid area and everyone can just post the name of their toons and the dungeons they are flagged for on each so we will know who is flagged for what and what options we have for class choices.


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New Ideas for march Empty Re: New Ideas for march

Post  Neobe Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:07 pm

Oh yes i love both ideas

And i can add another section where Aby called: next Raid
In that spot Abyssya can add all details for the next Raidday

What Raid
Time etc.

What do you say Aby, its your Forum just say what you like and what you dislike

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New Ideas for march Empty Re: New Ideas for march

Post  abyssya Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:46 pm

As you may or may not have seen I did post a thread in my forum for people to post what they are flagged for. I can also make one for what the next raid is? No point in arranging any though untill we know what we have in the way of numbers of people of suitable levels. When we have that sorted we can move onto flagging, which Isy seems to be working on at the moment. Which gives me an idea. How about splitting the raid officer job into 2 jobs? I know you were thinking of having 2, one for each time zone, but we could also work it into one person for flagging and one person for arranging the actual raids. I don't know what you guys will think of that though.

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New Ideas for march Empty I´ll give a hand when possible

Post  Chatuyscha Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:01 pm

No bad ideas getting on table here. Actually i´ve been running with Isyth the last days through some of the flaggers in Vale, to get a secondtimethere look/experience on them, in the overall purpose of future flagging for nonflagged characters. So i´m willing to give a hand on the flagging effort, when it fits into my times online and so.

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