Secret Society
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State of the Society

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State of the Society Empty State of the Society

Post  Chatuyscha Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:39 pm

Hello all

A little update on things happening in guild.

First of all a BIG WELCOME to all new members. Hope you feel well and enjoy being in guild.

A special welcome to all of you from The House of Chains.

Its a little more than a month since we implemented new rules and it seems to be working, so no major changes there.

First round of our guild lottery was in my opinion a limited succes, unless for Shmittick who ran off with 55k of plat (lucky bastard). So i have had some thoughts on how to get the plats out of peoples pockets. Think i found a way so check lottery section for the new round of the guildlottery.

Things seems to be getting more into shape with new initiatives on building raidgroups, getting characters flagged for raids and so on. All in all i feel no cause for concern on how things are going in guild.

Only thing pulling it a little down is the fact that I feel that i have been doing a lot of kicking of characters with 4 weeks since last logon. So if you got a character in guild you havent been playing for weeks and its ready for delete anyway- please remove it yourself. I tell you, its no fun kicking characters.

As last thing here I will say keep on the exchange of knowledge, bad jokes etc. on the guildchat, its quite amusing and informative watching it.

Posts : 114
Join date : 2009-12-22
Age : 58
Location : Denmark

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