Secret Society
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Guild Portal

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Guild Portal Empty Guild Portal

Post  Neobe Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:32 pm

There was some talking about changing the forum and make a new one.
So i let my mindflow around a little bit i i came to following conclusion:

Our Forum really needs a full make over, but for my side i can say i don´t think we need to switch the web host.

At the next coming week i will start and design and creat a new Guild Portal with all that fancy stuff.
but this will be alot of work and i have to say my taste for design is maybe a little diffrent then most of our members.
I love it abstract and maybe that will be a little to strange for new Members and Visitors.

So to see what the mass wants, i have to ask the Mass in that case the Mass are you the Forum -Users Very Happy

Ok lets talk about

I would say we keep it in a elegant Black as background colour.

As second step i would like to add purple, caus purple is a very mystic and cold colour
btw we never thougt about our guild colours?
As thirrd colour i would like somethink warm or a green facett as Eye-catcher

Lets talk about

The Banner has to be something where visitors say WoW and start to investigate the whole Banner for details.

I thought of a Poll of Chromatic liquid in light ocean- blue or a acid green
in that poll lies a Rune or a Trival looking thingy that acts like a shadow from above the surface.
And our Name should be included in it too.

Lets talk about

i don´t know if our forum alows movment but if yes
Should the liquid in our banner swirle around like you just thrown a stone in it?

Should there be some other movements on our forum?

Don´t see my ideas as already added or as a must.
Its only to wake up your Imagination so please dear Forum users

Tell me whats on your mind, i promis all ideas will be taking notice of.

PS: Aquarin i bet you know alot of design and have one or two own ideas or Pictures at home.
I would love to see your work and maybe there are some nice designs you can add on our new portal

Neobe alien

Posts : 116
Join date : 2009-12-21
Age : 44
Location : Frankfurt (Germany)

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Guild Portal Empty hard to visualize

Post  Chatuyscha Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:51 am

Like the idea. Purple sounds nice, giving the mystical touch. When i think secret society, i start getting pictures, of something medieval, cult, order stuff. Secret symbols and rituals. The purple fits nice in there. And black goes to all as always. Think i need some actual design to make further comments from. But what you put on the table by now, sounds very interesting.

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Join date : 2009-12-22
Age : 58
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Guild Portal Empty Re: Guild Portal

Post  Neobe Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:46 am

i new you would love it^^

If anyone got pictures from runes or Arcan Symbols just post them here.
A Friend of me loves all that Esoterik stuff so i gues he got some old Celtic Runes i can use too.

lets see what comes up, ppl feel free to add you thoughts all i importend for the endresult

Posts : 116
Join date : 2009-12-21
Age : 44
Location : Frankfurt (Germany)

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Guild Portal Empty Re: Guild Portal

Post  RIP Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:53 pm

I am wondering about trying to expand on the functionality of the calandar on this site. Currently I see that it only displays birthdays. When I log into the game (DDO) the MOTD states that there is a all guild run for shroud and to take a look on the forums. However I cannot see to find that, or it has not quite yet been posted here.

What I am curious about is would it be possible to add to the calandar quest or raid dates that everyone can see and then have an additional link in the calandar or just a forum thread for the quest or raid in the calandar that people can sign up for?

Just a thought.


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Guild Portal Empty Re: Guild Portal

Post  Neobe Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:57 pm

You can add raid details etc to our calender.

If you want to know how just check the

How do i ..... Forum

Posts : 116
Join date : 2009-12-21
Age : 44
Location : Frankfurt (Germany)

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Guild Portal Empty Re: Guild Portal

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