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Teamwork and more

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Teamwork and more Empty Teamwork and more

Post  Neobe Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:08 pm

Found this Post on the DDO-Forum i think that is something for the Peeps that are new to DDO.

In General
1. Get a mike if you don't have one already. Every second counts. Standing around typing hurts you're ability to make others alert of your situation.

2. Watch [url=]this video[url] AND DON'T do what he does. ESPECIALLY on higher difficulties.

3. If you are unfamiliar with a quest, and there's several obvious experienced guys in your group, then make it be known from the start that you'd appreciate it if they didn't bum rush you, or they tend to start blaming you as being slow when they go disobeying Rule #2.

4. If you are quite familiar and experience with a quest, don't be an elitist. Be a leader. Don't assume everyone has done this run inside and out and knows it like you do. Or you'll end up disobeying Rule #2 and start acting like a snob. The thought of you doing that irritates me. GREATLY. -.-*

5. When the mages say "gather for buffs" you gather for buffs darn it.

General Battle Tips

6. Kill the mages first. Kill the mages first. KILL THE MAGES FIRST. And make sure you inform everyone else that as a group you should be trying to KILL THE MAGES FIRST.

7. Always have a tactical awareness of everyone's position via your mini-map. Be aware of when people are appearing to scatter, and request that everyone holds up and regroup. You should be moving as a unit.

8. Focus fire. No back-to-back ****. If you and a bud right next to you are whacking at two different targets, then turn away from your own and start whacking his opponent. Gang up on them one at a time. In my previous MMO prior to DDO this was more critical, but the principle remains the same. You should be killing as a unit.

9. Fairly obvious, but don't forget to use you're abilities. Including direct support ones.

10. Know when to engage a tactical withdrawal (more common reason, you found yourself accidently soloing), and inform everyone else that they should commence one theirselves. Be the guy who survives to pick up everyone elses stones.

You as an Individual
11. Equipment wise, do what you can to make sure you're character is as individually badass as possible. Try to make it what I'd call, "elite-ready." Money is meant to be spent on capital assets. Upgrade every few levels. You won't believe the difference it'll make you feel.

12. On that manner, take some time off to make your inventory as nice and organized via your hotkeys as possible. Its possible to fit every last item in your multiple hotbars. Try to arrange it in a system like manner. For example, all your potions arrange in a neat little row on bar six, etc. Do it, as it helps you remember to use your consumables.

Those are all the general principle's I can think of for now. Always be polite, always be gracious, and if the party wipes despite awesome teamwork, then you guys simply need to choose a new quest (or kick the Leeroy). Hope that helps.

Editor: TheHolyDarkness

Posts : 116
Join date : 2009-12-21
Age : 44
Location : Frankfurt (Germany)

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Teamwork and more Empty Re: Teamwork and more

Post  Lamename Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:41 pm

Great post.


Posts : 17
Join date : 2009-12-29
Age : 104
Location : Maine, USA

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